Clients are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Clinics often fill up and we may not be able to serve all individuals who seek services. We strongly recommend arriving at the site prior to the beginning of the clinic time in order to improve chances of being seen during any particular clinic.

Making Community Justice
Our Project

The Community Law Project (CLP) provides legal advice to low-income and indigent members of the local San Diego community, while developing a commitment to public service in California Western students.

Need Legal Assistance?

All clinics are now LIVE!  Please see below for clinic locations and schedules.

Clinic Locations and Times

(Please check frequently for the most updated information.)

CITY HEIGHTS Rosa Parks Elementary School

4510 Landis Street San Diego, CA 92105

Each Friday morning 8:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., excluding periods of school closures.

No public restrooms available

*No clinic on 3/7*

CITY HEIGHTS Hoover High School

4474 El Cajon Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92115

Each Tuesday afternoon – 11:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m., excluding periods of school closures.

*Clinic located in parent center next to main office building* 

No public restrooms available

DOWNTOWN First Lutheran Church

1420 Third Ave
San Diego, CA 92101

Each Monday evening 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

*Excluding federal holidays*


St. Leo’s Mission Church

936 Genevieve St.
Solana Beach, CA 92075

One Wednesday evening every month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Clinic dates: 3/12 and 4/16

What is CLP?

CLP is a law student-run project which provides pro bono legal services to low income people in the greater San Diego area.

Who Does CLP Serve?

CLP serves low-income, vulnerable and sometimes homeless individuals by providing free legal advice, assistance navigating through complex social systems, and referrals to resources to build self-sufficiency and economic opportunity. CLP’s client base includes individuals who are homeless, disabled, immigrants, or otherwise without access to legal services.
The California Western Community Law Project works to provide sustainable and competent legal services to low-income and indigent members of the local community while advancing the profession of law.

Our Legal Service Areas Include

Family Law

Housing Law

Employment Law

Personal Injury Law

Criminal Law

Consumer Law

Bankruptcy Law


Immigration Law

Estate Law


Since its inception in 2005, the Community Law Project has helped hundreds of low income people navigate their way through the complexities of our legal system. CLP’s clients, law student interns, volunteer attorneys and community members have all expressed the value of a program such as CLP to the San Diego Community.

“I just wanted to express my overwhelming gratitude [for] helping me understand [that] what happened to me was a crime. The strength you all gave me to move forward is what I needed to seek justice for first, myself and then second for all women in the work place. We all deserve better and ya’ll helped me realize that. Thank you for existing CLP.”

Clinic Participant

“Thank you for being such a huge part of my support system while I was going through this horrible experience. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

Clinic Participant

“Thank you so much for your help! Please keep on doing this important work! It's so hard to be all alone in our battles.”

Clinic Participant

“Thank you… I will do those things you recommended. I feel a lot better after getting your helpful feedback and advice. You are all doing an awesome job helping people out with legal questions.”

Clinic Participant

“Thank you so much to your wonderful team. The event proved to be incredibly beneficial for our community members! I sincerely look forward to the opportunity for future collaborations with you.”

Clinic Participant

“I have been volunteering with the Community Law Project since I became licensed and continue to maintain my commitment to helping the community by giving back. One of my favorite things about CLP is how such a small amount of my time makes such a big difference in people’s lives. It’s humbling to be able to make such a difference.”

CLP volunteer attorney

"The work at the clinic could be very emotionally taxing but it was very rewarding and fulfilling as well. Interacting with the clients and seeing firsthand the injustices they face helped me feel motivated and refocused on the reasons why I entered law school. I now feel even more passionate about graduating and getting to work to continue to support vulnerable communities."

CLP law student