Generous Supporters

The Community Law Project is fortunate to have had the financial and in kind support of many companies and individuals. Whether you have contributed money, supplies, space, legal skills or time to CLP, we thank you!
Financial & In-kind donors 2024

William Aceves

American College of Bankruptcy Foundation

Veronica Ayesta and Rolf Hollstein

Pam Burkholz

Lisa Black and Ken Klein

Russell Block

Steven Bronson

Robert Burg

Lizeth Cervantes

City of San Diego

City of Solana Beach

David Copley Foundation

Elissa Davis

Michael Dessent

Sara Ebert

Floralynn Einesman

Jessica Fink

First Lutheran Church

Diane Gibson

Goode Hemme

Lynn Gordon

Barbara Gross

Sheri Hallis

Ted Janowsky

Ken Klein

Rebecca Levine

Mariza Lockhart

Jenny Meiselman

Molly Mullen

Linda Morton and Leonard Bole

Price Philanthropies

Procopio Cory Hargreaves & Savitch LLP

Elizabeth Rank

San Diego County Bar Foundation

San Diego County and Communities of Interest Legislative Caucus

San Diego Unified School District

Maria Seger

Kyle Siems

Dana Sisitsky

Cheryl Stengel

St. Leo’s Mission Church

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

Trust & Will

Joan Weiss

Volunteers Students, Attorneys and Community Members (2024)

William Aceves, California Western School of Law

Joyce Akasaka, Legal Aid Society San Diego

Maricela Amezola, Attorney at Law

Natasha Amonkar, California Western School of Law Student

Nelly Arreaga, Community Volunteer

Maryam Aso, California Western School of Law Student

Dalia Astalos, Hoffman and Forde

Grace Banny, California Western School of Law Student

Estefani Barajas, Community Volunteer

Vanessa Beatie, San Diego Public Defender’s Office

Caitlyn Bellamy, California Western School of Law Student

Erik Berroteran, California Western School of Law Student

Steve Bronson, The Bronson Firm

Kelly Bruhn, California Western School of Law

Binh Bui, The Law Firm of Binh Bui

Caitlin Burns, California Western School of Law Student

Kristin Carbone, Wilkinson Finkbeiner

Heather Carmody, San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program

Sofia Carrasco, California Western School of Law Student

Sydney Castillo-Johnson, JCL Law Firm

Gina Catalano, San Diego Law Library

Berenice Cervantes, Community Volunteer

Leah Chavarria, Hurwitz Holt

Maria Chavez, Attorney at Law

Alexa Correa, Community Volunteer

Noemy Cruz, Hurwitz Holt

Nicolas Cussen, California Western School of Law Student

Jack Dailey, Legal Aid Society San Diego

Nicholas DeBlouw, Blumenthal, Nordrehaug & Bhowmik

Fiona De Los Rios, California Western School of Law

Arianna Deleal, California Western School of Law Student

Iris Diaz, California Western School of Law Student

Diane Doherty, Your Safe Place

Hannah Engholm, Wilkinson Finkbeiner

Malalai Fazilat, California Western School of Law Student

Lourdes Flores, Community Volunteer

Ragan Fowzer, California Western School of Law Student

Sophia Gallardo, McGovern Law Group

Diane Gibson, Law Office of Diane H. Gibson

Thomas Goode, Goode Hemme Peterson

Leo Groenenberg, Third Avenue Charitable Organization

Barbara Gross, Attorney at Law

Gabriela Grostic, Community Volunteer

Beatriz Guillen, Community Volunteer

Sami Haddad, Law Office of Sami Haddad

Farwa Haider, California Western School of Law Student

Soraya Harbeson, San Diego Unified School District

Igor Harris, Attorney at Law

Troy Holan, Holan Legal

Jackland Hom, Zakay Law Group

Heather Hunter, California Western School of Law Student

Han Huynh, Skaja & Daniels

Claudia Ignacio, CI Tax Law, Inc.

Chris Johnson, California Western School of Law Student

Amy Kimpel, California Western School of Law

Eric LaGuardia, LaGuardia Law

Margaret Le, Community Volunteer

Andres Lemons, Andres Lemons Law

Nicholas Levenhagen, Attorney at Law

Mariza Lockhart, Lockhart Legal

Tri Luu, Attorney at Law

Romina Machicao, Community Volunteer

Leslie Mackay, California Department of Social Services

Marwan Mamoun Sanoufi, Attorney at Law

Andrea Martinez, California Western School of Law Student

Verenice Meza, California Western School of Law Student

Camila Milanes, California Western School of Law Student

Jillian Minter, MSM Family Law

Trevor Moran, Attorney at Law

David Munoz, Mission Personal Injury Lawyers

Fabiola Navarro, Law Office of Fabiola A. Navarro

Rachel Newman, Zakay Law Group

Michael T. O’Halloran, Law Office of Michael T. O’Halloran

Aylin Paez, Community Volunteer

Danielle Pena, Attorney at Law

Rebecca Perez, California Western School of Law Student

Tatiana Peregrina, California Western School of Law Student

Jessica Peter, 211

Jason Pitha, California Western School of Law Student

Carla Portales, Community Volunteer

Grant Porter, San Diego Public Defender’s Office

Robert Prine, Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP 

Anica Quizon, California Western School of Law Student

Miguel Renteria, California Western School of Law Student

Daniel Richman, California Western School of Law Student

Emily Rivera, California Western School of Law Student

Justina Robinson, California Western School of Law Student

Oliver Rodriguez, Community Volunteer

Devon Roepcke, Attorney at Law

Keith Rutman, Attorney at Law

Cruz Salas, California Western School of Law Student

Analese Sandoval, California Western School of Law Student

Laura Saraceno, Legal Aid Society San Diego

Samantha Sepulveda, California Western School of Law Student

Adam Sherry, Spector & Sherry

Kyle Siems, Wilkinson & Finkbeiner

Lily Smith, California Western School of Law Student

Mitchell Smith, Attorney at Law

Katherine Solis, Community Volunteer

Ron Stadtmueller, Attorney at Law

Michelle Stavros, Attorney at Law

Cheryl Stengel, Attorney at Law

Jenifer Swanson, California Business Law Group, PC

Cory Teed, Golden Cardona

Silvina Tondini, Tondini Law Group

Meghan Topolski, Casa Cornelia Law Center

Michelle Torres, Community Volunteer

Christina Triana-Ruiz, Community Volunteer

Nikole Truong, California Western School of Law Student

Louisa Twitchell, California Western School of Law Student

Michelle Valania, California Western School of Law Student

Liam Vavasour, California Western School of Law

Stephany Vasquez, Community Volunteer

Maria Villegas Pascual, Community Volunteer

Roya Tabrizi, Hoover High School

Riley Wagstaff, California Western School of Law Student

Bhashini Weerasinghe, Law Office of Bhashini Weerasinghe

Deveney Wells-Gibson, Wells Gibson Family Law

Caroline Wilhelms, California Western School of Law Student

Matt Williams, Attorney at Law

Nicolette Yohn, California Western School of Law Student

Michael Yu, California Western School of Law

Shani Zakay, Zakay Law